5 Financial Blog Ideas for March

March 8, 2024

What should financial marketers and advisors talk about this month? Our monthly roundup has you covered with timely topics for blog posts, social media campaigns, and other marketing ideas.

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Topic #1: Taxes, taxes, taxes

Tax Day is approaching, and according to the Internal Revenue Service, up to 25% of American taxpayers wait until the last two weeks before the deadline to file their taxes. In other words, 24 million people may still be looking for tax tips.

The angle

  • Tax tips and strategies: Provide tips and strategies to help your clients maximize their tax deductions and credits, reduce their tax liability, and optimize their tax returns.
  • Changes in tax laws: Discuss any recent changes in tax laws or regulations that may impact taxpayers. This could include updates on tax brackets, deductions, credits, and other relevant changes.
  • State-specific tax information: Most blogs focus on federal taxes. Steer from the herd and look at the state level. Share information about state-specific tax laws, deductions, and credits that may affect taxpayers in certain states.

Blog inspiration

Topic #2: Homebuying season

Homebuying season swings into full gear in the spring. (Shower thoughts: Is there a Punxsutawney Phil for real estate?) That’s good news: When realtors bust out the apples and cinnamon-scented potpourri, your clients have a lot to think about. 

The angle

  • Mortgage tips and strategies: Provide guidance on navigating the mortgage process, including tips for improving credit scores, saving for a down payment, and understanding different types of mortgages.
  • Budgeting and financial planning for homeownership: Share advice on budgeting for homeownership expenses beyond the mortgage payment, such as property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and utilities.
  • Understanding real estate market trends: Offer guidance on timing the market, weighing the pros and cons of buying in a seller’s market vs. a buyer’s market, and strategies for negotiating in competitive markets.

Blog inspiration

Topic #3: Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month. Wealth managers can provide valuable insights and practical strategies to help women overcome financial challenges and achieve their financial goals. This approach not only celebrates Women’s History Month but also contributes to women’s ongoing empowerment and success in finance.

The angle

  • March is a perfect time to celebrate the achievements of women in finance who have broken barriers and paved the way for future generations. Highlighting these stories inspires and provides practical insights into how they navigated their careers.
  • Women often encounter distinct financial hurdles, including the gender pay gap, career interruptions due to caregiving, and longer life expectancy. Addressing these challenges is crucial for financial empowerment.
  • Empowering women to take control of their financial futures involves practical advice and actionable steps that can be implemented at various life stages.

Blog inspiration

Topic #4:  National Retirement Planning Month 

March is National Retirement Planning Month, making it an ideal time to focus on retirement planning topics.

The angle

  • Retirement savings strategies: Provide guidance on setting retirement savings goals based on factors such as desired retirement age, lifestyle expectations, and anticipated expenses.
  • The rising cost of inflation: Many people forget to account for inflation in their golden years. Address the impact of inflation on retirement savings and the importance of adjusting savings and investment strategies accordingly.
  • Long-term care planning: Address the importance of long-term care planning in retirement, including considerations for healthcare expenses and potential long-term care needs.

Blog inspiration

Topic #5:  St. Patrick’s Day 

If you’re looking for light-hearted content to drive engagement and shares, consider a St. Patrick’s Day blog.

The angle

  • Finding your pot of gold: Tips for building wealth: Discuss strategies for building wealth over time, such as investing in stocks, real estate, retirement accounts, and other assets.
  • Financial luck vs. financial planning: Making your own luck: Explore the concept of financial luck versus financial planning and how individuals can take control of their financial futures.
  • Financial wellness: Finding balance at the end of the rainbow: Explore the concept of financial wellness and its impact on overall well-being and quality of life.

Blog inspiration

Want to look further ahead?  Download our Financial Marketing Calendar to staup-to-date on financial events and themes all year-round.

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